It is definitely time for a new car and a new start. Have managed to trash what was a pretty decent weekend by pranging my car in Huddersfield. I am very annoyed at myself. Basically what happened was that we had dropped the Drs friend Tarran off at his flat in Huddersfield and were driving home through some backstreets that I don't know at all. We came up to a junction which I didn't see as being a junction as the rain and sun had made the road look totally white and even though it looked like a junction and the thought went through my head, I kept going, and a car coming from the left ended up with my bumper in its' side. Everyone was fine (well the uncommunicative driver didn't answer me or the dr when we asked, but him and his son looked fine) It's going to cost me £250 excess which is a pain, and I'm so annoyed at myself. Anyway I've been wanting a new (newer - not a brand new) car for ages and I think that this is the final thing to make me want it. I'm thinking of a Peugeot 207/306 does anyone have any good/bad comments on these at all?
Yesterday was a bit annoying too. I was all geared up to run Race for Life, but when we got there we found out that it was cancelled due to the rain, so I'm going to be doing it on the 28th July instead. Instead I ended up plugging in my Nike+ and going for a 6.2KM run to enter into the spirit of it and then came back home and read:
I really enjoyed this book as it was a nice chick lit type book which makes you all happy and smily at the end as well as a bit on the tearful side. She's a lot like Marian Keyes which I think is a good thing, but it's not necessarily high class literature, but did have some nice cultural references.
This week I have also read:
I also liked this book as it has again got some nice current cultural references, but it wasn't the most satisfying end to it, but it certainly isn't conventional in it's storytelling and there is a good degree of intrigue in trying to work out what will actually happen and how the conclusion will pan out. It also amusingly has the description of a "Chavathon" event and it's almost worth reading for that alone as well as the fact that the main protagonist is called Kerenza and has a cat called Smut.
I seem to be doing a lot better with reading at the moment, and although I set myself a new years resolution to have read 24 books by the end of the year and so by that token should be up to 12 by now, I feel that the 10 I am currently at is pretty impressive for me as I never seem to have time or energy to do much in the evenings at the moment.
Oh and because I like adding pictures - we also watched this last night which is one of my favourite films:
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